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school holidays made easy

The first week of school holidays are almost done and it’s been, dare I say it, pretty easy. This past week I’ve been able to manage a really good balance between doing what my kids wanted and taking care of my own needs and wants too.

Here’s a bit of what it’s looked like so far for me:

I co-lead one circle and attended another one (these fill me up so much).

Had a bath (this has to be the most relaxing thing I’ve done so far this week, if you want to learn more about how to make time for a bath read my post What My Self Care Looks Like July 25 2020) .

Mediated and journaled every day.

Kept dinners super simple.

Read a book I’ve been wanting to read for ages.

And here’s what it looked like for my kids:

Going for a bike ride.

 A playdate with some close friends at our local park.

Going to the library (first time since before lockdown and they were so excited to get some new books)

Reading all the books we borrowed.

Got haircuts (they haven’t had one since before we went into lockdown)

Had fun pulling out new toys (we have our toys on a rotation system, so it’s always fun to pull out and play with toys that haven’t been seen for a few months).

I share this to show you what is possible, our holidays haven’t always looked like this, in fact frequently they have looked like doing everything for my kids and nothing for me and that didn’t work out well for either of us, I ended up feeling exhausted and my kids ended up with an irritable Mum. Making a choice to spend time doing things I want, means I can enjoy all the things my kids want to do a lot more, which makes for a much more enjoyable school holiday for all of us.

I’d love to hear how your school holidays are going. Are you enjoying them, or can’t wait for the kids to get back to school? And if you want to have more time to yourself (guilt free), but don’t know how, reach out and let me know, or come to an online circle this month, where you can get the guidance and clarity you need.  When we take care of ourselves, we are able to take care of our families so much better.

Wishing you all the holidays you want to have.