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Why Choose mindful parenting?

I speak to a lot of parents and they often ask me the same questions, when it comes to working with me, so I wanted to address them here…..

I already have so much on, I don’t know if I have time to do this as well.

I get it we’re all so busy with work, family commitments, kids activities but the great thing about Mindful Parenting is that it gives you more time.

Imagine it’s Monday morning, you’re already running late and your child is refusing to go to school, you could spend the next thirty minutes trying to convince them, which might then turn into an argument, you end up yelling because you’re stressed and frustrated. Your child then gets even more upset, which makes you feel even worse, you finally get them to school but you spend the rest of the day ruminating about the awful morning, that’s literally hours of your day wasted.

Now imagine another scenario, where your child doesn’t want to go to school and you spend five to ten minutes using the skilful communication tools that you learnt in the workshop and then you both go on to have a good morning and rest of your day, wouldn’t that be worth your time?

Is the investment worth it?

In my opinion, investing in the well-being of your family is always worth it and only you know your own financial situation, so only you can answer this question. In saying that I aim to make all of the work I do with parents super accessible because I believe every family should learn the Mindful Parenting tools. When families have good communication, it helps everyone feel better and family life runs much more smoothly.   That’s an investment I’m willing to make.

I’ve tried other things in the past, how will I know this will work for me?

I get it, I didn’t know how it was going to be possible for me to be stressed, or get triggered and not yell. I thought other people could do it but not me, then I started learning the tools and implementing them and guess what, it worked for me too.
It wasn’t overnight success, it took practise but I did get there and if I can, you can too.  

How will I learn the materials you teach?

The workshop is very interactive so that you can start practising the tools straight away. It’s a combination of teaching, practise and group coaching. You will also receive a comprehensive workbook to guide you every step of the way during the process.

I’m not used to sharing in groups, I’m worried I’ll be judged as a bad parent.

First off you are not a bad parent (the very fact that you’re reading this proves that) and all of the groups I run are safe, inclusive spaces (there’s no judgement here) where you’ll find you are not alone and will be supported by other parents just like you.

What qualifies you to teach this workshop?

Apart from living and breathing it, for nearly eleven years, with two highly sensitive, strong-willed boys, I’m also a certified circle facilitator, a Mindful Parenting Teacher and a Holistic Family Consultant and Educator.
I’m also still a mum who makes mistakes (there’s no such thing as a perfect parent) so I’m right there in the messiness of family life with you.  

I hope this answers all of your questions and if you have more please reach out and let me know.

If you’re ready to work with me to yell less and connect more with your child, you can sign up to the Mindful Parenting Workshop here

Much love,

Natalie x

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